Friday, December 22, 2006

christmas moment 3

Ciara my niece ( 6yrs old ) “People what are you doing? We need Christmas sprit in this house – turn on those lights on the tree.”

Thursday, December 21, 2006

christmas moment 1 & 2

1. scot singing a Christmas carol to me on the metro - actually made me cry.
2. getting a Christmas card from the man who bags grocery's at safeway in my home town.


I am traveling today. I am actually at the Cleveland airport right now. I have not traveled on a plane since December of 2004….and have only left DC a hand full of times in the 4 years that I have lived there….

I use to be okay with flying. Going to boarding school and attending college in states other then Montana meant I grew up flying quite often. Things are very different than the way I remember them…

What is with the anger people?

Do I really need to go through such interrogation at 4am…??

How are these people awake?

Can’t they provide us with a place to put our shoes back on…I mean look at all these people stumbling around.

When did planes get so run down…are new planes even made…can I fly in them please?

How can someone have NO information and then suddenly we are leaving in 5 minutes.

Moving sidewalks are still fun.

Do I need to know every 2 minutes that the threat level has been raised to orange…maybe every 10 would be good?

Starbuck coffee is only $1.69! No tip jar??!

Denver airport is closed and fucking up all travel times – or this is what they are blaming it on first.

So, I have been in the Cleveland airport now for about 3 hours…I was at Dulles for 4 hours…and was actually at Regan last night…so, here are all these buildings that need to be functioning at a high level…at many different locations in the structure….and ALL are ugly. Why not get artists involved in the planning of these buildings…not just to install those lovely sculptures…or neon light displays…but on the function. Like the baggage carousels …can’t those look different…or the gates that reach out to the planes…why is everything SO ugly and bulky awkward?

Alright I sit now waiting for an announcement to send me on my way. I think I went to sleep at 1am last night and woke up at 3am...AWESOME! I did have a good night...I got to see someone I have not in a bit..and it was both hard to catch up and easy...if that makes any sense..?

So, why Cleveland airport? Heading to Chicago to see my sister Patricia and her family ( little Siobhan & Ciara ), Aunt B, Aunt Clem, my daddy…and Sandy…my grandma... cousins and so on…etc. Most of these folks I have not seen in 3 years! I am both excited and nervous about this visit ( of 8 days ). I will be seeing some college friends on Friday night… Heather and Joel at this point… I have not seen Heather since 1997 maybe… and Joel 1999…so tht will be a blast from the past!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

oh my beck! no, really oh, MY!!! Got his new cd yesterday. i have always *tried* to like him..but always left with an - okay, alright - feeling. okay, beck-the information is brillent. every song..i can really sit back and just enjoy it. plus, he really is pretty cute.

okay...kick ass!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Yesterday I went to get on the metro in my neighborhood of Columbia heights. I had 4 minutes to wait and I sat starring at a sign. I realized the yellow line looked longer on it…then I realized that it was indeed longer…OH, my to Columbia Heights.

I had heard about this - but i thought it was not happening until Jan 07. I am still unsure if it is all the time or just peak hours.

None the less - pretty exciting!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sometimes it feels like we are in a nation that feeds off anti depressants. Like it is easier for us to create our own island Disneyland’s..where everyone is educated – friendly and all is over priced.

That is really the whole of the thought…not sure what this means or where I am going with it…just what I took from my night out in DC last night…all the button down shirts..ties..and the girls with their party tops ( you know the halter or the like with glitter or...)

  • Population: 572,059
  • Total Households: 248,338
  • Median Age: 34.60
  • Median Household Income: $40,127

Saturday, December 02, 2006

unrequited search for

okay - if you know me you know i use the word fuck a lot. actually way back in about 2001 or so thought that sprinking my speech with swear words was a great style of management and would gain me much respect from my employees...(in short i still swear but not as a management style).

So, there is a new movie out called FUCK all about the power of those four letters...I have yet to see it..but man I really want to...maybe today.

An aside: today is my FOUR year anniversay of living in DC...OH, MY...FUCK! :)