Monday, November 06, 2006

6 things I need to work on.

1. keeping an address book - I never enter anyone into my outlook as a person - i just enter the if I can remember who ah7buk
2. using the phone - this may come as a big suprise to those that think I am a big talker - but I HATE the phone. I have this sense that all phone converstaions are notvhappening in real time. Most of the time I just hit the silence button on my phone if I do not know the number...and if a message is left - maybe I will call back. I do need to get in a better habit of using my phone and listnening to other while they talk to me through it.
3. grocery shopping - I am really good at going to the store and buying enough to make one dish. But when it comes to have a stock or actaul food like regular things to grab and eat - I have none of that.
4. taking care of my nails - i hate my fingernails....despite this I should take care of them
5. cash - i NEVER have cash on me. I really only use my card. I use to think this was a better way to keep track of where my money was going - now..well, I do not think this any longer. I need to carry cash...really.
6. not over booking myself - i really can only handel two meetings in one day - three is really pushing it! this week is just dumb for me and it is my own fault really...I can not be in two places at the same time....

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