Tuesday, July 03, 2007

wait what blog


things are so busy - busy is not the right word. things are eventful before the event...

scot and i have had a house to stay in for the past - shit, man two half weeks. I have been able to make so great meals...and get away from - wait, i like where i live..just get awwy for getting away sake - one huge bonus it is closer to the office - like a 10 minute walk...that has been nice...so, yep, this ends july 4th. and back columbia heights.

i have been so...stretched. I have forgotten to brush my teeth some days...sorry for those that I had to be around..I have taken to carrying a toothbrush and other things with me...

so, my sister is getting married. aug 4th....ticket? not yet...

i had some great pickles the other day...and saved the juice and stuck some fresh beets in it....yum for later.

I have developed a stress condition. Only I can control it - no meds. I have been really good this week in doing so. But the two weeks prior I was a wreck. I am so positive and feeling good about things ...and then I can turn a corner and freak out....but this week I have feeling better.

I have no point in this blog - I am just taking a break before I make a sponsor sign for the box office. I am going to start with things to check out fringewise on our myspace page...so...

alright...peace out...

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